EWOT Therapy

EWOT (Exercise With Oxygen Therapy) is a method of breathing higher levels of oxygen during exercise in order to increase the amount of oxygen in your blood plasma. Inflammation is often a root cause of many diseases and ailments and oxygen is the ultimate anti-inflammatory prescription. Similar to being in a hyperbaric chamber, EWOT delivers the same results in less time.

Benefits of EWOT include, but are not limited to:

  • Increase the energetic status and efficiency of your entire body

  • Experience improvement in tissue and organ function

  • Stimulate your immune system, reducing the probability of future illness

  • Reduce inflammation in the body, starting with the vascular system and joints

  • Produce the energy of youth, creating short-term health and longevity.

  • Improve circulation

  • Better immune system

  • Better sleep

How it Works:

Sessions should run for at least 20 minutes, with oxygen being delivered via mask, while pedaling on a stationary bike at light to medium intensity. 

For best results, it is recommended to use EWOT 2-3x/week, for several weeks, in order to see the biggest benefit and improvement to health. This can be used in place of an existing cardio workout/routine, as well as a supplement to any other physical activity you’re currently doing.