Contrast Therapies
Contrast therapy, such as hot/cold therapy, has been shown to have a tremendous physiological benefit, as well as mental and emotional benefit as well. Contrast therapy, in this case, would be alternating between a hot sauna and a cold plunge. There are a myriad of benefits that these therapies offer individually but stacked together, they become even more pronounced and powerful. Benefits of contrast therapy include, but are not limited to:
Boost in cognitive functioning
Increased circulation
Reduced inflammation
Accelerated recovery
Alleviating muscle soreness and fatigue
Increasing mobility and flexibility
Enhanced sleep quality
Supports and enhances a healthy nervous system
These sessions are typically self-guided. A good protocol to follow is 20 minutes in the sauna, followed by 1-10 minutes in a cold tub. Alternate again at least two more times, for a total of 3 revolutions. If short on time, decrease the time by half, or even more to suit your needs.
Contrast therapy at least 1x/week is extremely beneficial. 2-3x/week is great and you will experience even more benefit. 1x/week is a terrific protocol to add in to your current routine.